Egypt CSR & Sustainable Development Forum


The first platform of its kind to unite individuals who are passionate about climate issues, the transition towards green economy, and mechanisms of procuring the essential funding to support these initiatives

Green Economy Forum 6

The Sixth Forum on Green Economy “Together, we take the lead in
advancing the green economy”.
The forum is held within the framework of the national efforts being exerted by the
Egyptian government, and development partners – under directives of President
Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi – to give priority to projects and programs for shifting to green
economy, supporting climate action, and promoting development partnerships among
the private sector as well as international and regional development institutions to
achieve green and sustainable growth and Backing the accomplishments of Egypt’s
2050 strategy, The forum will be held in July 2024 under the theme “Towards a
sustainable future… Together, we take the lead in advancing the green economy”.

Green Economy Forum 5

The Fifth edition of the annual Forum of Strategies for Transition to Green Economy is held within the framework of keenness of the Egyptian leadership under President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to support transition to green economy and create new investment opportunities in various domains while adopting environment sustainability standards to curb the negative impact of climate change and realize decarbonization in order to achieve sustainable growth and balanced sustainable development in all sectors of the Egyptian economy.
The forum is held at a watershed stage for the Egyptian economy which is restructuring its strategies and budget to give momentum to the green economy mechanism in all key sectors; including agriculture, transportation, energy, tourism, construction, green trade in addition to backing green supply chains, innovation and digital transformation. Efforts
are also underway to provide investment-attractive climate and create multilateral cooperation opportunities with international development partners.

Green Economy Forum 4

The forum aimed to review the practices of the business community in Egypt with regard to climate issues and adaptation methods in light of local and global challenges and Egypt’s vision 2030.

The forum highlighted the efforts of the private sector and its attempts to adopt sustainable practices, reduce emissions, rationalize resources  consumption, and improve manufacturing processes. The forum also address the role of business institutions and companies to boost the national strategy for green economy, curb the impact of thermal emissions and climate change, and unite efforts to achieve the best results for shifting the green economy.

Green Economy Forum 3

CSR Egypt launched a strategy for transition to green economy within the framework of the state’s keenness on achieving sustainable development and implementing Egypt Vision 2030.
The strategy is meant to ensure that 30% of investment projects are committed to environmental sustainability standards, and this is reflected in the number of green projectsincluded in the 2020-2021 Fiscal year plan.
Under the plan, about 691 green projects will be implemented at a total of EGP 447.3 billion. About 15% of the general budget investments are allocated to these ventures in various Fields; such as agriculture, transport, electricity, renewable energy, waste management, etc.
This falls within the framework of confronting future risks and challenges which Egypt could face; such as climate change, food security, water security, economic stability, public health problems, technological access and bio-diversity.
Therefore, the third edition of the Forum on Strategies for Transition to Green Economy is held with an aim of creating opportunities and effective partnerships between the parties concerned and those interested in achieving sustainable development in the country and giving a push to the shift towards green economy in order to face future risks.

Green Economy Forum 2

Under the guidance of His Excellency, President Abdelfattah Al Sisi, to achieve sustainable development in order to
enhance the life standards of the Egyptian citizen on multiple levels, CSR EGYPT is proudly announcing the 10th

The world is moving towards applying new strategies that encourage the transformation
toward a green economy as a tool to achieve sustainable development. Shifting toward a
green economy provides enterprises and companies with new investment and market
opportunities. However, this requires the adoption of new processes and innovative
approaches and technologies by the private and public sectors to seize these new
investment and market opportunities.

Green Economy Forum 1

A clear priority for many developed and developing economies is the need for innovation, productivity, and
secure jobs. While different stakeholders might have varying needs, there is an overall need for higher
productivity and efficiency, stronger resilience and innovation.
Green economy offers vast opportunities in eradicating poverty as well as sustaining economic growth, which is
of particular concern for the countries in the Global South, as well as enhancing social inclusion, improving
human welfare, creating opportunities for employment and decent work for all, while maintaining the healthy
functioning of the Earth’s ecosystems.
On the other hand, failure to take a timely action in walking away from unsustainable economic practices
threatens to potentially lead to environmental degradation that can have serious negative implications on future human health and welfare, and our entire ecosystem. A number of environmental systems are being pushed beyond sustainable limits through, for example, loss of biodiversity, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, land use change, and climate change.